
As your body adapts to the cute little tyke growing inside, it can be common to feel aches and pains that weren’t there before, or to accentuate the ones that were already there.  Here’s some thoughts on how myopractics can help.

As your body adapts during pregnancy, my recommendation is to come get a myopractic treatment once a month until the month of your due date.  At that point, my suggestion is to come in weekly until you deliver.  This process simply allows your body to adapt as comfortably as possible, allowing for more comfort during pregnancy and delivery.  Unless your provider suggests otherwise, it is perfectly fine to get myopractic treatments at any point of your pregnancy, even if you’re full term.

My recommendation is for you to come in for 1-3 weekly session until we can fully address the pain that you’re experiencing.  At that point, monthly sessions followed by weekly session in the final month of pregnancy can help your body to continue to adapt as freely as possible.

Depending on how much you have going on causing your pain, it may take 6-12 weekly sessions followed by a few bi-weekly session until we can hopefully address the pain that you’re experiencing.  At that point, monthly sessions followed by weekly session in the final month of pregnancy can help your body to continue to adapt as freely as possible.

In more extreme scenarios, with the changes taking place during pregnancy, we might not be able to get your pain to completely go away.  In cases such as this, keeping your pain from getting worse is the goal.

Regardless of which describes you, as your body adapts through pregnancy, the focus of myopractics will be to help keep your body moving as freely as possible.


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